
leigh a pfeiffer [SchemaFlows2014]

Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus [Cusco] archival pen+ ink on site sketch w/post production adobe photoshop     leigh a pfeiffer[SchemaFlows2014]
Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus [Cusco] archival pen+ ink on site sketch w/post production adobe photoshop     leigh a pfeiffer[SchemaFlows2014]
“Built upon the palace of Huayna Cápac, the last Inca to rule an undivided, unconquered empire, the church was built by the Jesuits in 1571 and reconstructed after the 1650 earthquake.

The Jesuits planned to make it the most magnificent of Cuzco’s churches. The archbishop of Cuzco, however, complained that its splendor should not rival that of the cathedral, and the squabble grew to a point where Pope Paul III was called upon to arbitrate. His decision was in favor of the cathedral, but by the time word had reached Cuzco, La Compañía de Jesús was just about finished, complete with an incredible baroque facade and Peru’s biggest altar, all crowned by a soaring dome.” – text source: Lonely Planet